Register Yourself
Register yourself in our upcoming Certificate Distribution Ceremony AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Deadline for registration is till 26 October.
Countdown Expired!
Certificate Distribution Ceremony
Serenity Speech Team had arranged an event of Speech Competition for Boys of IUB on date 2nd May, 2023.The topic of the Speech was:
"حضرت محمد ﷺ بحیثیت سپہ سالار "
And an event of Speech Competition for Girls of IUB on date 3rd May, 2023. The topic of Speech was:
"سیرت ام المومنین حضرت عائشہ (رضی اللہ عنہا)"
Register yourself for the certificate distribution ceremony if you were an Organizer or Participant in those events by clicking on the button below and filling the registration form carefully.